Thank you for following up and checking in on our sitter. We are always impressed with the caliber of LIFEVINE’s sitters. - Lisa, Cobble Hill, Brooklyn

Senior Companion

Balancing a busy schedule with the needs of your elderly loved ones is challenging. A LIFEVINE caregiver can ease your worries and your stress. We give your loved one thoughtful and stimulating companionship when you’re away, so your time together will truly be quality.

LIFEVINE Family Services matches caregivers to the needs and interests of your loved one. They can have interesting conversations over meals, garden together, see a movie or a play, enjoy a shopping day, provide company during light exercise or any number of activities that will bring them joy and happy memories. Let us know if your love one has specific medical requirements; we may be able to assist with those as well.

We understand you cannot always be there for your elderly family members. A LIFEVINE caregiver will help them maintain their quality of life. Contact us to learn more about our Elderly Companion services.

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Our team consists of educated, reliable, caring sitters and companions. Every LIFEVINE caregiver is closely vetted for background and disposition to ensure the most qualified person is taking care of you and your family. Our caregivers are either college graduates or completing their college education. All have previous experience in babysitting and/or household management, and all have verified references on file with LIFEVINE Family Services.